Online business ideas to start for less than 400USD in Zimbabwe in 2023

By DESTINATION ZIMBABWE In Destination Entrepreneur, Destination Invest



Deciding on which business idea to invest in can be a daunting task especially if your funds are limited. However, digital media provides an avenue to start a business without investing much capital into the business. In fact, in Zimbabwe, The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) second-quarter report of 2022 showed that Internet penetration stood at 61.3 percent. More so, internet-based platforms for providing are on the rise in Zimbabwe but they are still limited and in as much as some of the ideas proposed below might have been limited to some extent, competition is always good in any healthy economy. The business ideas proposed below can be started with a budget of less than 400 USD.


  1. Tender listing service and consultancy.

Numerous tender listing services are now available in the Zimbabwean market. However, you will find that non are as up-to-date as the tender listing service based in South Africa. This provides an opportunity where one seeks to attract a niche market of business owners who want to access the latest tender listing services in Zimbabwe. The tender listing service Zitenders is up for sale and once it has been bought this post will be updated. The platform allows a visitor to browse the different tender listings available on the Zimbabwean market. Furthermore for one to be able to read detailed tender information, one would need to subscribe to the service by paying a monthly fee. Further services that can be offered on the same platform is providing site visits, doing pre-bid meeting, especially for international clients, and also crafting the tender documents. The platform is being sold for just USD399 and it will come with a manual on how to upload the tender descriptions and also manage the website. The website also boasts of associated social media accounts on Facebook and also Google My Business.

     2. Exam practice web application

Imagine if students can pay just 1 USD to access and 5 practice Physics O level Paper Multiple choice exams and have it marked immediately. Well, this is what Zischool does exactly. The platform allows the admin to upload numerous exams as quizzes that are timed. Furthermore, users are able to pay to access the quizzes and practice for different exams including Zimsec, Cambridge, and even the provisional driving license. The platform is up for sale for just USD 399 and comes with a tutorial on how to create quizzes.

   3. Recipe tutorial blog

A modern blog showing videos and a write-down of the recipes for various dishes in Zimbabwe. This will appeal to chefs and individuals who want to do hobbies that will add some income into their pockets. The admins can then add adverts from different companies during their presentations on their platform. For just USD 399 the platform that looks like our Blog TV can be developed for the investor.

  4. E-commerce Website

This particular idea appeals most to people who are already selling something in their shops. Say a tuckshop, electrical gadgets, etc. The idea is just to upload your physical goods to an online commerce website and allow clients to buy the goods using Paypal and Ecocash. Our partner can develop the platform for just USD 399 and it comes with a tutorial to upload the goods for sale. The admin can even spice the platform by adding shipping options to the clients.


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